Thursday, January 26, 2012

Intro to Nick's Tech Talk

Hi! To introduce you to my blog I'm going to answer a few questions:

What is my topic?
I will be discussing new technologies that have been implemented into our mobile world today, which consits of tablets and cellphones.  I will be focusing on the ways we can communicate and share things and what the pros and cons are of having these capabilities.

Why did I choose this topic?
I chose this topic because it's been a hobby, you could say, for me to explore, research, and stay on top of almost each new phone and tablet release and see what makes them better than previous ones.

What do I already know about this topic?
Well, since it's like a hobby to me, I know quite a bit of what there is to know about smartphones and tablets that have been released within the last couple years.  I could probably teach a class on them.

What do I hope to learn about this topic?
I hope to just keep doing what I have been.  Researching new smartphones and tablets and the new technologies they have.  Also, I hope by doing this I can find something new that I am unaware of now so that I can share it with you.

Who is the ideal audience to my blog?
Well, it can be from people who are tech geeks and tech savvy like me to people just trying to learn what smartphones and tablets can actually do for them.

I hope you will find this as interesting to you as it is to me! :D

1 comment:

  1. Nick, I'm worried that your angle on this topic is still the same angle that we discussed when I said that it would not work. While I can understand a fascination about smartphone and tablet features, that is not an acceptable topic for this particular assignment.

    At the same time, technology is changing our culture in significant ways, so if you wanted to find some aspect of cultural change facilitated by technology, then I could definitely support that topic. Just a brief Google search with the keywords technology and culture would show you how much discussion there is on that topic. If you need help narrowing down what aspect of culture and technology to talk about, please see me or the reference librarian, but when you post phase 3, I definitely want to see you posting answers to these questions that show you taking the topic in a more academic direction. Again, the blog cannot be based on product reviews and features without putting them into some broader context.
